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“I joined TBT [Total Body Transformation] with a friend after she suggested it, and after our informational meeting, I thought I might be in over my head. Ninety days of intense workouts, weight lifting AND a diet program! It all sounded overwhelming. My workouts up to this point were few and far between and only consisted of cardio, maybe 25–30 minutes on the elliptical every once in a while. TBT was going to be a HUGE change for me.

After going to the first group meeting and actually meeting my coach (Jim) and everyone else in my group, I was already feeling less intimidated and eager to start working out. Jim was super nice, energetic and very motivating. He went over the program with us and gave us lots of information. He said it wasn’t going to be easy, but if we put in the work, we would definitely see results. We did five to six days of strength training a week as well as cardio for 90 days! Jim was right. It wasn’t going to be easy. 

After the first week, I could barely walk without feeling my muscles ache. I was also still a little intimidated by all of the weights, equipment and workouts, but Jim did his best to make it as easy as possible. It was like I had my own personal trainer for 90 days. If he wasn’t there working out himself,  someone from my group was. If my friend couldn’t work out with me, I would bring my husband or my kids. After a few more weeks, I became more and more confident. I had more energy, I was happier and I felt stronger. I enjoyed working out, and I started to see results. My clothes began to fit better, and I could see my body becoming toned. It felt great, and I loved it!

I finished out the 90-day program losing about 12 pounds. I didn’t join TBT to lose a bunch of weight. I wanted to lose some, but mostly tone up and get in better shape. I definitely achieved that goal! I would encourage anyone to give it a try. The work is hard but not impossible. The rewards are great and worth every bit of the effort. The program ended April 2, but I’m still going strong and don’t plan on ever stopping.”

– Amy, Spring 2017 Total Body Transformation Participant

Intrigued? Check out TBT here. The next session begins July 2nd, and spots fill quickly! Sign up with a workout partner for added support.