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The Marvelous Ms. Margery

By February 21, 2020December 14th, 2020Y Stories

Margery Doyle is a 71-year-old schoolteacher who still teaches reading to second and third graders.  She has been teaching for over fifty years.

A friend of Margery’s was concerned about her health and suggested she try out the YMCA.  Margery was eligible for a Silver Sneaker membership through her insurance and she joined the YMCA.  Her first workout started with some cardio equipment, but she realized quickly she could injure herself because she was not really sure how to use the equipment.  She shared her experience with the staff at the Kerasotes and they encouraged her to consider trying a Personal Trainer.

She booked a personal training session immediately with Richard England and they clicked immediately.  Margery is grateful Richard adapts her workouts based on her needs and limitations all while encouraging her to push ahead. She also likes the way Richard teaches her how each movement and motion benefits her health.

When we asked Margery about what she has noticed about her health, she pointed out she has gained and maintains her independence. She can carry a case of water from her car to her home, sit down without assistance, and get in and out of the bathtub easily.  When we asked her what others have noticed, she says that her physician is proud of her because she has lowered her blood pressure and that her pulse rate has gone down from 96 bpm to 75 bpm (which shows better cardiovascular efficiency). Most importantly, her friend has noticed her increased stamina and ability to get up, go and keep on going. There may even be a story that includes Margery and her friend taking a long walk and maybe that friend couldn’t keep up.

To date, Margery has invested in forty personal training sessions and will continue because it is her view that this is her lifelong investment towards her independence, health and wellness.  Margery says, “Anyone can be a member; however the hard part is walking through the door. I intend to keep a personal trainer by my side. For me, having a personal trainer is part of my program. I just got to keep walking through that door.”