The Y is a place where young people can be themselves and create their dreams
From early childhood to teens the Y is here with FREE Childcare while working out, afterschool programs, School days off care, and a variety of summer camps to keep kids active, entertained, and engaged.
Infant to Teen
Nurturing the potential of your child.
Our Childcare programs offer a range of options to fit your needs and their interests.

Infants and Toddlers


Elementary School

Middle School

High School
Y Childcare is Focused on Heathy Fun
Your kids are entertained, with healthy activities, and learning games. projects and crafts in a safe, nurturing space where you know they’re having fun.
Y Childcare is Focused on Healthy Fun
Your kids are entertained with healthy activities, learning games, projects, and crafts in a safe, nurturing space where you know they’re having fun.

Free Gym Childcare While You Workout
Child Watch is free childcare for members while working out. Both Ys offer free childcare for members with a family membership. Our childcare areas have activities and crafts designed for appropriate age groups. All staff are trained in Safety, CPR, and First Aid.
- Ages for Child Watch are from 8 weeks – 9 years.
- The member must stay in the building and be able to be contacted by phone at all times in case of emergency.
- There is a two-hour time limit per family per day.

After School Matters
The Y offers before and after school care outside of regular school hours for children in kindergarten through 6th grade in our local communities.
- STEM/STEAM Programs
- Reading and writing
- Homework assistance
- Arts/crafts
- Athletic games & activities
- Character development exercises