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Keeping you Close while Keeping our Distance

By March 21, 2020April 7th, 2020Uncategorized, Y Stories

Spending these days at home with limited resources, stimulation and social contact can take a toll on all of us.  Maintaining a daily routine can help us all keep a sense of order and purpose despite feeling isolated from being quarantined.  It is important to include regular daily activities like work, exercise and leisure activities even if they must be accomplished remotely.

In order to help our members stay with their daily routines, we have posted some exercise videos on our website.  Member, Sylvia Bradley writes, “I put on my workout clothes this morning instead of soft pants to get me motivated to move. I was thrilled to see local instructors uploaded videos. I was really missing my exercise; you know it isn’t easy to motivate when doing it alone. I still miss all the friends I’ve made in the classes, but we are safer doing it this way. Miss seeing Rudy a couple of times a week also.”

Although we are hunkered down and our facilities are closed for now, we know this is temporary!  We will just wait until it is safe.   We are really looking forward to opening our doors again so we can get back to serving our members and our community.

We encourage you to stay optimistic, support those around you with compassion and care and continue to exercise healthy living habits for spirit, mind and body. Stay healthy!

YMCA Virtual Exercise Classes