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The YMCA Gymnastics Team is twice its size.

The studio space isn’t any bigger, but over this past year, we have packed even more talent into our small but mighty downtown gymnastics studio.

We have also rolled out new training levels, upgraded equipment, and added a little extra bedazzle to our gymnastics swag.  Why? Because we are feeling good.

It is no coincidence that our Head Gymnastics Coach Megan Hart also assumed her position only a year ago.  Megan is familiar face around the YMCA – she started teaching recreational gymnastics four and a half years ago and slowly worked her way up the chain of command. She has a history of trust, respect, and laughter with our young gymnasts. Her face lights up when she is around her team, and it’s evident they feel the same.
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She loves to teach floor and vault, but her favorite is back handspring. “It is the gateway into all tumbling skills.”

Megan learned her sport through practice. She started when she was only 3 years old and joined the YMCA Gymnastics Team when she was 9. She stayed on until she was 14. She then graduated to competitive and high school cheerleading where her gymnastics skills came in handy! Outside of cheer practice, she also completed a mandatory 5 hours of tumbling practice a week.

Megan not only revels in teaching gymnastics skills, but also enjoys the richer aspects of coaching. She loves to see the gymnasts learn life skills through their sport. “I enjoy teaching them how to be respectful and how to handle disappointment as well as winning. Most importantly, I want them to be proud of themselves.”

“I am so proud of everything they accomplish. They are hard-working and have the best attitudes. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of girls.”

Interested in gymnastics? Email Megan to schedule an evaluation for your child.

Strong Kids Scholarship Fund: Monthly team fees are eligible for financial assistance for scholarship members.


By, Jennifer