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You may be out of sight, but always on our mind

By April 7, 2020Y Stories

The empty spaces and echoing hallways make us miss our members so much.  Just a few weeks ago we could hear children’s laughter as they learned to swim in the pool and play in our child watch areas. We miss the sound of squeaky sneakers as members played basketball, and the fun, move-your-feet music as packed group fitness participants got their hearts pumping. But most of all, we miss hearing the sweet conversations as members connected with their friends in our lobbies. It’s quiet at our facilities and we know we all feel a bit out of sorts because our routines have been interrupted, but we want you to know our YMCA employees are still working.

We are:

  • Producing and sharing fitness videos because being healthy in body and mind is so important.
  • Providing emergency childcare for our community’s essential workers so they can focus on their work while their children are safe and enriched.
  • Reaching out to our seniors to ensure they are safe and healthy.
  • Providing fitness and educational links to help both parents and kids be engaged and entertained during this time.
  • Cleaning our facilities so members can come back to a shiny, clean, ready-to-use facility.

We are working because YOU matter!  We miss you and we can’t wait to have you back in our buildings! Take care of each other and stay safe!

See our website for all the services mentioned above.